TRAILs & WorkFun
SCHEDULED Events 2024
Nov 11 - FREE Live Ultralight and camping demonstration. Trail Ride, lunch and BBQ provided. No horse required (unless you want to trail ride). Palmer Lake. ABOUT OUR HOST: Peter has guided rides across the challenging trails of the European Alps since 2004 with his own horses, as well as exploring the world with local breeds. For Peter, the mountains demand a unique teamwork between horse and rider, where trust is the foundation to safely navigate rugged terrains. His training focuses on building mutual trust, leadership, and security on the trail, as he believes that trail horses are extraordinary partners capable of much more than we might expect. Learn more at 10:00 am - 12:00 pm – Presentation: Backcountry Basics and Mindset Shift Ultralight Packing for Extended Wilderness Trips: No pack horse? No support vehicle?
Learn how to manage up to two weeks in the backcountry with only saddlebag and ultralight gear, tested over thousands of miles. Minimalist Philosophy: Approach camping “through-hiker” style, focusing on essentials and safety while minimizing weight.
RSVP to required for planning. Full details and itinerary of event here.
Work - Sat Sep 7 '24 - FREE NO HORSES REQUIRED Gray Back Peak trail stewardship day with Rocky Mtn Field Institute and RMBCH
ACTIVITY: Join RMBCH and Rocky Mtn Field Institute to maintain a great rail used by equestrians in the Pikes Peak region. Activity details and signup info here
Work - Sat Aug 24 '24 - Bartlett Trail Work day, Rye CO. Details here
August 16-18, Durango CO FREE, no horse required, Sawyer Training and Certification opportunity
Work - Sat Aug 10 '24 - Bartlett Trail Work day, Rye CO. Details here
Work - July 18/19/20 '24 - No Horse & no RMBCH membership required - Wet Mountain Valley Rodeo volunteer with RMBCH, Westcliffe, Colorado. RSVP required
Fun - July 13/14 2024 - RSVP Required. Bruno Gulch - ride on July 14 meet @TH by 930am, ready to ride at 1030am. Description: Bruno Gulch Camping & Fun RideHave you been itching to explore some of the horseback riding in . Pike National Forest? Come spend the day riding in the shadows of thirteeners along Geneva Creek. Explore with seasoned riders an area that is one of the South Platte District's best kept secrets! This excursion is on a very high elevation trail, so please be certain you and your equine can handle the challenges that come with altitudes of 9,600-12,000ft. There will be water crossings, technical and/or very rocky sections, possible downed trees/obstacles, as well as ATVs/side-by-sides/Jeeps on different segments (parts of this trail are 4x4 two-track roads). We expect to see different wildlife, spectacular photo ops, and likely a fair amount of bikers and tourists. Please ensure you arrive on time for the trail ride, considering any potential travel delays, as the ride will start promptly at 11am. We will ride 12-14 miles (4-6 hours). Bring your own drinks, lunch, and equine. We take breaks as needed for horse or rider, and will have lunch at the terminus of the trail. We cannot stress enough if you have health conditions that are made worse by high elevation, or your horse has only been ridden a couple days this year, please do not risk your health and safety for this particular ride. As far as camping is concerned, we welcome participants to experience camping the night before the ride if they have the essentials for their horses: food, water, and containment. There will not be a designated camp host, so plan accordingly to be self-contained as there are no facilities, hookups, or planned meals. Directions: We will be camping near the Bruno Gulch Corrals, which are located about one mile up Bruno Gulch Road near Dillon ( Coming from 285, head north on Guanella Pass Road (Geneva Rd) about 6 miles, passing Whiteside and Burning Bear Campgrounds. Look for Bruno Gulch Road (FS 118.E) on the left. If you see Duck Creek Picnic area, you went just a little too far! Coordinates: 39.527584, -105.745926 (takes you to meadow just before corrals)
Work - June 15 '24 - Macey Lakes work day. Ride will start promptly at 9am from Horn Creek Trailhead. First trail ride of the year to cut and remove downed trees from the trail. Full day work ride is 2 hours ride to get to start of trail clearing area. Please bring work gloves, eye protection (sunglasses ok), head protection (hat ok), lots to drink, lunch. Silky saws will be provided. Westcliffe CO A reminder this is the most extreme word ride we do in the year. This is not a training work ride (we do have others that are) and it is not appropriate for everyone.
Fun - Tue June 11th '24 - Garden of the Gods, Colorado Springs Trail Ride. 10am ride start, space is limited due to parking lot. RSVP required to Ride will be cancelled if it is raining or if it rains 1/2 inch the day before due to Garden of Gods rules. This is a boot the poop park so everyone must be able to get on and off their horses mid-trail. Recommend to enter the park from the Becker Lane side - google of Garden of Gods horse parking will show the only trailer parking spot. Trailer parking is a paved area and can be small. Please arrive at least half hour early to saddle up and for safety briefing.
Education - June 11 '24 - Youtube Recording Equine Emergency First aid
Education - June 5 '24 - Youtube Recording Enhance Trail & Road Safety for You and Your Horse
Fun + Education - Ponies & Pedals - Sat June 1 '24 - National Trails Day, RMBCH & FAR collaboration for equine and bike educational fun and rides. We're gearing up for an exciting educational event on June 1st (rain date June 22nd) centered around facilitating positive interactions between cyclists and horseback riders, but we need your help to make it a success! Whether you're a great "crowd control" person or have a crowd/bike-safe horse ready to ride, we welcome your support at this National Trails Day event at Grape Creek in Cañon City. rsvp to
Work - Sat May 25 '24 - Grape Creek, Canon City, (eco park trailhead) RMBCH Work Ride. RSVP Required to 9:30 am ride start (please arrive 30 mins early to pack up tools, tack, safety briefing). Leaders will be out all day but you can ride on or leave the group anytime. Please bring gloves, lunch, shoes and maybe shorts - things that can get WET if you have to go into the river crossings. You can also swim if you like in the beautiful river to cool off. We will have extra loppers to carry but if you have loopers, tree trimmers, hand trimmers, garden sheers of your own please also bring. (you will not need to share your personal tools). Equines need to be ok with mud, water, and a variety of crossings (there will be 30). PLenty of grass and water for horses.
Education - May 23 '24 Youtube Recording of Understanding Western Saddle Fitting Presentation
Education - May 20 '24 Youtube Recording of NATRC and Competitive Trail Riding (CTR)
Work + Education - May 18/19/20 '24 - No Horse & No RMBCH membership required - Free Crosscut saw certification with LaVeta Trails (RSVP if interested!)
Education - May 8 '24 Youtube Recording of Presentation from Mission:Wolf
Education - May 14 '24 Youtube Recording of Equine Voice Commands: How and Why Part 1
Youtube Recording of Equine Voice Commands: How and Why Part 2
Education - May 1 '24 Youtube Recording of Equine Emergencies, First Aid, and Staying Calm
Fun - Fri & Sun May 3,4,5 '24 - No Horse & No RMBCH membership required Dino track and stargazing + Overnight Camp and Ride at Picketwire Canyon. If you don't have a horse you can bike, hike or join the forest service for a guided drive. All details here
Fun - April 21 '24 - Overnight camp and ride at Shelf Road, Canon City
Work - Sat Apr 20 '24 - With or Without a Horse & NO RMBCH membership needed - FESC Poker Ride & Volunteer - Bear Creek, Colorado Springs, Volunteer with RMBCH. 8am @ the 'Friends of Equestrians Skills Course' at the Norris Penrose Event Center in Col Springs. Parking will be located down by the skills course, in the large parking lot by the big red and white rodeo barns. Come join us for a fun day of volunteering at your local free trail course. rvsp to so we can connect you with the volunteer leader.
Fun - April 10 '24 - Youtube Recording of Saddlebag Show & Tell
Fun - April 13 '24 - Cabin Fever Ride Series - Pineries Open Space, Colorado Springs CO
Fun - April 6 '24 - Cabin Fever Ride Series - OilWell Flats, Canon City, CO
Fun - April 1 '24 - Cabin Fever Ride Series - Red Canyon Park, Canon City, CO
Work - March 29 '24 - No Horse & No RMBCH membership required - Blue Heron Park cleanup. Florence, CO.
Work - March '24 - No Horse & no RMBCH membership required - Rocky Mountain Horse Expo volunteer at BCH booth
Past Events 2023
Friday, Dec 15 '23 6pm
Everyone welcome. Coyote’s Coffee Den in Penrose. Please join us for our annual RMBCH Christmas, Holiday, End of Year Gathering or “Whatever you call it” Party. If you wish to play the Santa Game, please bring a wrapped gift $10-20 value, serious or funny. Arrive early to purchase your meal at the counter and join us for a nice evening!
𝐑𝐒𝐕𝐏 𝐭𝐨 𝐫𝐦𝐛𝐜𝐡.𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐨@𝐠𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐥.𝐜𝐨𝐦 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐝. Join now and your membership is good through 2024! We have so many great rides. Or just come see how much fun we are $5 first RMBCH ride.
It's time to saddle up for an impressive Black Friday ride that embodies the heart of RMBCH's mission: to celebrate the common sense use of horses in our region's breathtaking backcountry.
Grape Creek is a mesmerizing trail that traces the water's meandering path, crossing it over 30 times in one direction. Nestled within the scenic expanse of the BLM's Royal Gorge region, this equestrian easement is a true gem that requires near constant care and support. Nature's marvels in the form of beaver dams and swift-growing willow brush and other flora make it a dynamic landscape that demands our vigilant stewardship. This event isn't just a ride, it's a testament to our shared commitment to responsible horsemanship and preserving these natural wonders for generations to come.
Calling all riders, beginners welcome, as well as green (SAFE in a group) horses! However, we want to ensure everyone is aware that this trail is rated as 'moderate/intermediate' due to the unique challenge of multiple water crossings for horses. While this offers an exciting adventure, it does require some experience in navigating such terrain. Other possible obstacles include shrub overgrowth that impedes the trail and wildlife such as snakes, bighorn sheep, deer, or coyotes. We encourage beginners to join, but recommend being prepared for these potential hurdles on the ride. Rest assured, our knowledgeable leader will be there to offer support and guidance every step of the way.
Your help in maintaining Grape Creek trail is greatly appreciated! If you're able, bringing along a set of pruning shears or loppers would be a tremendous help. However, please don't feel obligated – your presence alone is a valuable contribution to our mission. Together, we'll make a positive impact on this beautiful trail and its surroundings.
So let's "opt outside" this Black Friday by exploring the beauty of our public lands, while working to maintain and cherish this precious resource. Bonus: you'll avoid the crowds and corporate nonsense that normally fills this day. Come join us, be part of the legacy, and ride for a cause that truly matters!
Ride Start - Nov 24, meet @11am, ready to ride at 1130am. We will stage this ride from Ecology Park (, and ride down into the canyon from there.
Coordinates: 38.418611, -105.260200
CP9Q+HR Cañon City, Colorado
**If the weather has been below freezing for 2-3 days leading up to this ride, we will have to cancel since it will not be safe to take horses through icy creek crossings!**
Please no dogs or stallions; this ride is casual walking speed only, up to 10 miles total.
Sat October 28 Dino Tracks / Spanish Settlement / Hunter Moon Fun Ride - La Junta CO
𝗘𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘆𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝗰𝗮𝗻 𝗰𝗮𝗺𝗽 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗿𝗶𝗱𝗲 𝗼𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗶𝗿 𝗼𝘄𝗻, 𝗼𝗿 you can join the 𝗴𝘂𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗱 𝗿𝗶𝗱𝗲 (𝗳𝗿𝗲𝗲 𝘁𝗼 𝗥𝗠𝗕𝗖𝗛 𝗺𝗲𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿s) RMBCH is hosting a weekend of camping under the full moon in Otero county. October 28th is the Hunter Moon, so why not ride past an old Spanish cemetery during the creepiest holiday season?
**If the overnight temperature is forecast to be below 40°, the ride weekend will have to be canceled.
** Weekend Itinerary: Friday, 10/27: arrive to campsite/corrals to set up your camp how you like. If time, you will be able to explore the ATV roads on foot or horseback that evening. You can also plan to arrive Saturday morning before the ride, but others will be there to help you set up camp after dark Friday night if needed. Corrals are first come, first serve.
Saturday, 10/28: For RMBCH members who RSVP - they can join ride leader Hillary for a full day ride (more than 20 miles roundtrip, with trotting and cantering when/where safe to do so) to view the all that Picketwire has to offer, including Dolores Mission, the cemetery, and of course the largest dinosaur track site in North America.
Be ready to ride at 12pm, plan for up to six hours of saddle time with a late lunch (BYO) out on the trail at the halfway point. Our goal is to get to Rourke Ranch (established 1871), but we will turn around at the dino trax if our time is limited due to weather or other issues.
You also have the option to shorten the overall ride if you trailer your horse to Withers Canyon Trailhead, instead of riding the road from the Picketwire Corrals (shaves 6 miles off the total distance, but the road is very washboarded and takes a while to navigate). After we get back from the ride, if there are no fire restrictions, we can roast marshmallows and enjoy the beautiful full moon (fingers crossed there are no clouds!).
Bring a spooky snack to share with others if you would like.
Sunday, 10/29: Pack up and head home in the afternoon, stop and check out Vogel Canyon for the petroglyphs if desired (no horses allowed on these short hiking trails).
If you plan to camp with your equine partner, be sure to bring adequate water for them.
Portable corral or containment needed, there are no places to highline unless you set up between two trailers.
There are vault toilets at the corrals, but no other amenities and we can almost guarantee it will be windy there (day and night).
As of mid-September, there are no fire restrictions in the area, but please make sure to look before buying anything for a fire.
For those interested in riding to the dinosaur tracks, or further to Rourke Ranch, overall the trail is rated as “leisurely/conditioning” (2-3 peppers) except for the first half mile down into the canyon from Withers Trailhead. This section is steep, rocky, and challenging and may require you to lead an inexperienced equine down into the canyon. After that, the rest of the low elevation trail is wide, easy, with rolling hills and beautifully unique views. Be on the lookout for rattlesnakes and gopher holes. There is one place to get water for horses each way, so make sure your horse is well-hydrated going into the ride! You may want to have bug spray for you and the horses, as the flies could still be out.
Horses participating in Saturday’s guided ride must be safe at walk/trot/canter in a group to join.
Don’t have horses? NO PROBLEM! You can hike or bike this trail, or sign up for a guided auto tour through the local Forest Service (
Sat October 14 Light Work Ride - Grape Creek, Canon City
Your horse must be ok with water crossings. Please read all below
rsvp to
9 am Ride start time. Please arrive at least half hour early to tack up! Ecology Park Trailhead, right outside Canon City. There is plenty of large rig parking in a circle gravel lot.
The water can be varied depths. Each crossing is different and there will be at least 30. Your horse must be ok with water crossings, mud, weird water entries. You will likely get wet. Please bring extra set of clothes, and something underneath that you don't mind stripping down to and getting wet if you have to be in the water to clear an entry point, lead a horse etc.
It will be Hot - you are welcome to swim! There are plenty of places to sit in the river
Terrain, some rocks. Mainly gravel road type consistency and sand. Lots of mud at river crossings and there are large rocks in the river. There is cholla cactus so I always bring a tweezers to pull any small spines out of the horse legs at the end. usually there are are a few.
This is a work ride where we will be performing trail trimming to make the trail more safe and accessible for everyone at the water crossings. There will be frequent up and down off your horse and we will be tying your equine to trees while they wait. We will ride to an area that needs work and then typically work that area for an hour or more to clear it. Please bring your garden sheers, Garden loppers and anything you can carry on a horse that trims small branches / willows. If you don't' have your own, we have some extra loppers but you would need to carry on your equine.
The group will be out all day. If you wish to return to the trailhead, you are welcome to but the group will not be required to return with you. Please make sure you are comfortable returning on a trail on your own, or that you wait until the work day is finished if your horse is uncomfortable leaving the 'herd'.
Bring your lunch and LOTS to drink. It will be hot. Sunscreen, gloves
No Dogs or Stallions on RMBCH Rides
Wed October 11, 6:30pm MST The World By Horse - Live zoom presentation
Join us for a unique virtual presentation where Peter will share stories and incredible photos of his travels across Europe and beyond, with horses.
He specializes in communication, leadership, trust, and security on the trail, and also offers guided trail rides and training. We believe there is no such thing as "just a trail horse," because it takes a very talented and bold equine to successfully navigate the trails of Colorado, the US, and the world!
Peter and his team want to help you discover the magic of long distance riding because horses are more capable of awesomeness than you may think. Your horse wants to trust you, but you must also learn to trust your horse before you can have that perfect partnership out on the trails.
About Peter: I have been riding the trails in the European Alps since 2004 with my own horses while exploring the rest of the world with local breeds. The Alps pose a special challenge for the “horse-man” team – with the goal being to return home safe and sound. The mountains make teamwork a must. We learn to trust our horses, just as much as they learn to trust us. They are capable of far more than most people would ever think. As a guide and instructor I teach what I have learned from them and what it takes to give them the security they need.
Learn more at Peter's website
Wed Sep 27 Fun Ride - Twin Eagles, (Lost Creek Wilderness) Tarryall CO
Everyone Welcome! RSVP required by Sep 24 Ride free for BCH members and $5 for first ride non-members.
Please RSVP by Sep 27 to if no rsvp's are received, the ride leader may ride elsewhere.
Please arrive by 9:30 for tackup and safety briefing. Ride start 10am.
Free fun ride in the Pike National Forest and Lost Creek Wilderness. Plan to ride 8-10 miles in 3-4 hours. We will go up about 1800 feet and come down the same with some steep hills. There is a water crossing. Lots of rocks and wildlife. The parking lot can accommodate big rigs if everyone parks nicely. If the lot is busy, parking might be challenging. This is why this ride is on a Wednesday. Share a trailer if you can to make parking easier.
Twin Eagles Trailhead in Tarryall. From Colorado Springs, head west on Highway 24. Turn right on Tarryall Rd just past Lake George. Go 15 miles on Tarryall Rd to the trailhead parking lot on the right.
Bring a lunch. There are some water crossings. ATV's may be present. No bathrooms or potable water available at TH. No overnight parking allowed at this location.
No dogs or stallions on RMBCH rides.
September 24 Fun Trail Ride - Macey Lakes Westcliffe CO
Everyone Welcome! RSVP required to Ride free for BCH members and $5 for first ride non-members. Meet at Horn Creek TH by 10am, ready to ride at 1030am. If bringing friends, it is highly recommended that you "carpool" as the trailhead is very small. Plan for 12 miles of out-n-back riding with steep segments, rocky areas, a couple of water crossings, and very technical obstacles in the last mile of this trail. We will have lunch at the first lake. This ride is considered advanced after passing Copperstain Cliffs, so please be certain you and your equine partner are prepared for the challenge of the entire ride.
We use a 1-7 rating system for our trails, and most of Macey is a 4-5, with the last mile or so being 6-6.5 in difficulty. There are significant elevation changes, rocky segments, very uneven surfaces, narrow places, various obstacles and rerouted parts, at least three water crossings, rock scrambling, as well as the unexpected.
Besides needing to be well-conditioned for high elevation and a long ride, horse/rider teams need to be skilled in navigating very technical/advanced segments.
Camping: Parking is limited, main lot has a bathroom and one corral for camping, but there is plenty of space to highline or set up electric fencing. Sometimes parking is available near the Dry Creek Access trail, or along the 130 dirt road if the main lot is full. LQ trailers may have difficulty getting a parking space if designated trailer parking is full, but the loop is large enough to turn around if needed.
No dogs or stallions on RMBCH rides.
September 23 Fun Ride - Cloverdale Basin, Westcliffe CO
Everyone Welcome! All rides free for RMBCH members and $5 for first ride non-members. Meet at Duckett TH by 830am, ready to ride at 9am.
There will be a few steep segments, with lots of very rocky areas along this rugged two-track ATV trail. Shoes or alternate hoof protection are strongly recommend based on the overall length of this ride, with most of it expected to be rocky, but not technical or challenging in terms of obstacles. There are plenty of places for watering horses along the way. The goal for this ride will be to get to Cloverdale Basin for lunch and exploration of the abandoned mines, which means up to 15 miles of riding at just a walk for this full day ride.
This ride is okay for beginners except for length and elevation. An unconditioned horse will struggle to do this ride safely.
Trailhead: Duckett TH -
(38.254780, -105.665295)
The road leading up here can be a bit rough for low clearance rigs, but there is a lot of space for large LQ rigs in several meadows just before the TH (orange) on the left and right of the road. Do not attempt to drive further up past this loop to the actual trailhead, as it is not large enough for most trailers and there is not an easy way to turn around.
This ride is part of our ABC Sangres Weekend. Come join us for the free potluck open to everyone after your trail ride! Westcliffe Rodeo grounds - 6pm. We'd love to hang out with you and meet the group for a social hour and good company.
No dogs or stallions on RMBCH rides.
September 23 Light Work Ride - Macey Lakes Westcliffe CO
Please RSVP to so we know how many tools to provide. The forest service has removed the last big hurdle on the trail and RMBCH has cleared all the other horse stoppers!
So now let's give the trail a haircut to keep it open for the future. We will be trimming the trail from encroaching growth using loppers and small saws and removing a few workarounds with downed trees. We will provide silky saws and loppers. Any loppers or saws which you'd like to use would need to be carried on your equine - we can show you how. Also feel free to bring your own if you prefer.
Trailhead Horn Creek (Macey Lakes) near Westcliffe.
This will be a full day work ride. You are welcome to return early but the group is not required to return with you. Those with faster horses etc are welcome to ride on ahead.
We are NOT planning to do the last technical parts of the trail. We are planning to go up to the copper cliffs meadow below the lake. This trail has a gravel road up to the wilderness area and then single track from there. It will have a few short areas which are steeper and have some rocks but overall its not a very technical trail up to the copper cliffs. You will be getting off your equine to trim. Your horse will be tied in those cases so needs to be ok with being tied and waiting at trees.
Ride start 9am but please arrive at least 30 minutes early to tack up and have safety briefing.
FYI this is during our 3 day Sangres work event in Westcliffe. There is a potluck Saturday evening right after this ride 6pm, at the Westcliffe rodeo grounds. Everyone is welcome and there are corrals where you can let your horses relax while you join us for a great wrap up to the ride and social evening. Hope to see you there.
Bring: plenty of drinks, work gloves, hat, eye protection (sunglasses ok). Parking trailhead is on a loop which can accommodate any size rigs but can fit a limited amount of rigs so would recommend arriving early if you have a large rig.
No dogs or stallions on RMBCH rides.
September 22, 23, 24 Multiple Trail Rides, Potluck, Social Gatherings & Work Rides Weekend - Westcliffe CO
Celebrate the Sangres, a great weekend to ride and enjoy all the trails we've opened! Only 2 hours from Colorado Springs and even closer from Pueblo. Come see some new trails. Multiple different trail rides on a variety of trails. Of course work rides will also be available to clear our adopted Rainbow trails if you wish to give that a shot. Potlucks, social hours, scouting rides, intro to trail clearing, meeting new riders and see new trails in the Sangre de Christo mountains.
Welcome to attend any event you like (or all!) We'd love to see everyone on there for our end of year wrap up and fall color viewing in the beautiful Dark Sky Community of Westcliffe.
Can you ride if you're not a member? First time riders - come try a ride for $5. Following rides (including that weekend) with the group would require a membership. The rides are open and free to any current BCH member from any chapter.
Camping free to RMBCH members, $20 per night for non-members. Electric sites available for extra +10 per night. There are corrals available (RSVP required) to . Portable panels and hotwires also allowed.
Friday, trail ride, meet some new friends, camping gates at rodeo grounds open by 5pm.
Saturday fun ride @ Cloverdale Basin - Duckett Trailhead. This is an intermediate ride and will be lengthy. (full ride description in event listing below).
Saturday 10am fun ride @ Rainbow trail - Duckett Trailhead. This is a beginner ride, approx 3-4 hours max along the Rainbow trail. Shoes recommended. Walk only. Flat but pretty trail in the Sangres.
Saturday light trimming work ride 9am @ Macey Lakes (full description in event listing below)
Saturday 6pmish potluck and social hour at the rodeo grounds. Open to everyone we'd love to see you there!
Sunday Breakfast served to everyone!
Sunday fun trail ride @ Macey Lakes (full ride details in event listing below)
Westcliffe, CO rodeo grounds. Please RSVP to so we can loop you in to the ride times and waivers etc.
Sun Sep 3, Music Pass Work Ride
RSVP required and you must be a member of any BCH group for work rides. (easy to join :) 9AM Ride start time. Please arrive early to tack up!
The National Parks Service has asked us to help with access to their new cutthroat program. We will be clearing downed trees all day.
This will be an all day work ride. The trail is rocky and shoes are highly recommended. It will be about 2.5 hours to the start of the trail we are clearing. You are welcome to return early but the group will not be required to return with you.
The trail can be steep and sustained.
The views are AMAZING on music pass and it's an incredible Colorado ride.
We will provide silky saws but feel free to bring your own if you like.
Remember to bring plenty of drinks + snacks + gloves. Eye protection (sunglasses ok), gloves, and hat required.
Come enjoy a gorgeous day out in Colorado, helping the national park service and the state cutthroat initiative for trails for all.
Sat August 19, Dome Rock Fun Trail Ride
RSVP is required by August 17 to 10am Ride start time. Please arrive early to tack up!
Would you like to see a great spot right outside of Woodland Park? About 45 minutes from Colorado Springs with a beautiful rock formation, forests, valleys and great views. Dome rock trail is only open from July 15 - early December due to Bighorn sheep restrictions. So come see this beauty during the summer.
Note: THIS IS Also AN SWA area - so a SWA or fishing or hunting license is required to access,valid%20hunting%20or%20fishing%20license These can be purchased online.
Details: Overall it will be a walking ride. Approx 4 hours of ride time. Down along a mountain stream, soft sand valley, over to dome rock landmark and then back up out of the valley through aspen and pine forests. It has some sustained steep parts so horses should be in decent condition. Dome rock itself is a beautiful rock formation and there are some great views from the top of the trail.
Hazards: hikers, dogs, deer may also be present on the trail. Trail is gravel dirt and few larger rocks here and there but not too bad. There will be several small water crossings.
Ride time starts at 10am so please arrive by 9:30 to saddle and join safety talk. Directions and Parking : Dome rock trailhead a little past Mueller State Park. (google dome rock trailhead) Fair amount of parking available for trailers.
Please bring: water for yourself if you like! Sunscreen / hat, lunch and drink.
No Dogs or Stallions on RMBCH Rides
July 28,29,30 Brighten the Sangres
Multiple Trail Rides, Potluck, Social Gatherings & Intro to Work Rides Weekend
Brighten the Sangres great social, trail ride, and work weekend in Westcliffe. Multiple different trail rides on a variety of trails. Of course work rides will also be available to clear our adopted Rainbow trails if you wish to give that a shot. Potlucks, social hours, scouting rides, intro to trail clearing, meeting new riders and see new trails in the Sangre de Christo mountains.
Can you ride if you're not a member? If you have never ridden with us before, come try a ride for $5. Following rides (including that weekend) with the group would require a membership.
Camping free to RMBCH members, $20 per night for non-members. Corrals first come first serve. Electric sites available for extra +10 per night.
Friday, trail ride, meet some new friends, camping gates at rodeo grounds open by 5pm.
Saturday fun ride along Swift Creek and up to the Lake of the Clouds. Separate work ride also available if you'd like to get your hands dirty. 6pmish potluck and social hour at the rodeo grounds.
Sunday morning trail ride before heading home. (our breakfast chef member will be out for a funeral so we are seeing if we can make other arrangements, but that is still up in the air.
Westcliffe, CO rodeo grounds. Please RSVP to so we can loop you in to the ride times and waivers etc.
Not a member yet and wish to be? All rides throughout the year are free to RMBCH members. Join us!
Sun July 16, Bruno Gulch Fun Trail Ride
RSVP is required by June 14 to 11am Ride start time. Please arrive early to tack up!
If no RSVPs are received, the ride leader will ride other trails
Have you been itching to explore a new area, but don’t like to venture out on your own or worry you won’t find the trail? Come spend the day riding in Pike National Forest in the shadows of fourteeners like Mt. Evans. Explore an area that is one of the South Platte District's best kept secrets!
We will leave from near the Bruno Gulch Corrals, which are located about one mile up Bruno Gulch Road in Dillon ( Coming from 285, head north on Guanella Pass Road (Geneva Rd) about 6 miles, passing Whiteside and Burning Bear Campgrounds. Look for Bruno Gulch Road (FS 118.E) on the left. If you see Duck Creek Picnic area, you went just a little too far!
Coordinates: 39.527584, -105.745926 (takes you to meadow just before corrals)
This excursion is on a very high elevation trail, so please be certain you and your equine can handle the challenges that come with altitudes of 9,600-12,000ft. There will be water crossings, technical and/or very rocky sections, possible downed trees/obstacles, as well as ATVs/side-by-sides/Jeeps on different segments (parts of this trail are 4x4 dirt roads!). We expect to see lots of different wildlife, spectacular photo ops, and likely a fair amount of hikers and tourists.
We hope to get some trotting in if safe and manageable, the goal being to ride at least 12-14 miles (3-5 hours). Bring your own drinks, lunch, and equine. We take breaks as needed for horse or rider, and will have lunch at the halfway point. We cannot stress enough if you have health conditions that are made worse by high elevation, or your horse has only been ridden a couple days a month this year, please do not risk your health and safety for this particular ride.
No Dogs or Stallions
- Fri June 30, Rainbow Trail Fun Ride
RSVP is required by June 28 to
If no RSVPs are received, the ride leader will ride other trails All our rides are free to RMBCH Members! $5 first ride for non-members.
Ride start 10am, tack up 9:30am This ride will stage near the Comanche/Venable Trailhead (, meeting in the “trailer only” parking area that is on the right as you come in on FS road 140.A. Coordinates: 38.08329° N, 105.56306° W
RMBCH President Hillary will be leading a fun “Pride Ride” along Rainbow Trail to celebrate inclusivity and camaraderie among all riders. You just have to be an ally to join, we welcome all equestrians who support our LGBTQ community. If you have been looking for an excuse to meet like-minded horse people, or you feel strongly about our public lands being accessible to all, or maybe you have ideas on how we can be more inclusive year-round, we want to see you out there.
This ride will have some rocky areas on a high-elevation, multi-use trail, so please be certain you and your equine can handle these challenges. There will be water crossings (with snow melt, they promise to be fast and high in places), technical sections, possibly downed trees/obstacles, as well as bicycles/ATVs/side-by-sides.
We hope to get some trotting and cantering in where safe and manageable, the goal being to ride at least to Horn Creek if not Macey Creek (depending on time available and weather conditions).
Bring your own drinks, lunch, equine, and positive vibes.
Expect to ride between 10-15 miles at elevations above 9k feet, with fun conversation and an excellent ride leader. We take breaks as needed for horse or rider, and will have lunch at the halfway point.
RMBCH is a diverse community of equestrians who work to protect the trails we all love to ride. Come out and see why our volunteers love the Rainbow Trail!
No Dogs or Stallions
Sat August 26, Grape Creek Work Ride
Your horse must be ok with water crossings. Please read all below
RSVP is required by Aug 24. rsvp to If no RSVPs are received, the ride leader is free to cancel the ride without notice. If it is supposed to rain, we will cancel the ride.
830 am Ride start time. Please arrive at least half hour early to tack up! Ecology Park Trailhead, right outside Canon City. There is plenty of large rig parking in a circle gravel lot.
The water can be varied depths. Each crossing is different and there will be at least 30. Your horse must be ok with water crossings, mud, weird water entries. You will likely get wet. Please bring extra set of clothes, and something underneath that you don't mind stripping down to and getting wet if you have to be in the water to clear an entry point, lead a horse etc.
It will be Hot - you are welcome to swim! There are plenty of places to sit in the river
Terrain, some rocks. Maily gravel road type consistency and sand. Lots of mud at river crossings and there are large rocks in the river. There is cholla cactus so I always bring a tweezers to pull any small spines out of the horse legs at the end. usually there are are a few.
This is a work ride where we will be performing trail trimming to make the trail more safe and accessible for everyone at the water crossings. There will be frequent up and down off your horse. Please bring your garden sheers, Garden loppers and anything you can carry on a horse that trims small branches / willows. If you dont' have your own, we have some extra loppers but you would need to carry on your equine.
The group will be out all day. If you wish to return to the trailhead, you are welcome to but the group will not be required to return with you. Please make sure you are comfortable returning on a trail on your own, or that you wait until the work day is finished if your horse is uncomfortable leaving the 'herd'.
Bring your lunch and LOTS to drink. It will be hot. Sunscreen, gloves
No Dogs or Stallions on RMBCH Rides